Buckling Contributes to Both Coseismic Uplift and Long-Term Fold Growth in Active Fold-Thrust Belts

Contribution of Buckling to Coseismic Uplift and Long-Term Fold Growth in Active Fold-Thrust Belts Academic Background Fold-thrust belts are significant structural units at the foreland of many orogenic belts worldwide, often accompanied by intense seismic activity. Understanding the complex relationships among fault slip, fold growth, and earthqua...

Opening of the North Atlantic Ocean and the Rise of Scandinavian Mountains

The Opening of the North Atlantic Ocean and the Rise of the Scandinavian Mountains Academic Background The Scandinavian Mountains (Scandes) are a significant geomorphological feature in northern Europe, but their formation mechanism has long remained a mystery. Traditionally, mountain formation is associated with convergent plate boundaries. Howeve...

Partial Domain Adaptation for Building Borehole Lithology Model Under Weaker Geological Prior

Report on the Paper: “Partial Domain Adaptation for Building Borehole Lithology Model Under Weaker Geological Prior” Background and Research Problem Lithology identification plays a critical role in stratigraphic characterization and reservoir exploration. However, existing AI and machine learning-based lithology identification methods face substan...

New Evidence for the Moon's Age: Tidal-Driven Remelting Event

New Interpretation of the Moon’s Age: A Tidal Heating-Driven Remelting Event Academic Background The formation of the Moon has been a significant issue in planetary science. Currently, the most widely accepted theory for the Moon’s formation is the “Giant Impact Hypothesis,” which posits that during the late stages of Earth’s formation, a Mars-size...

Record-Low Antarctic Sea Ice in 2023: Increased Ocean Heat Loss and Storms

Record-Low Antarctic Sea Ice in 2023: Increased Ocean Heat Loss and Storms

Record-Low Antarctic Sea Ice in 2023: Increased Ocean Heat Loss and Storms Academic Background The recent decline in Antarctic sea ice has raised significant concerns within the scientific community, particularly the record-low sea ice extent observed in 2023. While progress has been made in identifying the drivers of ice loss, the consequences for...

The Present Epoch May Not Be Representative in Determining the History of Water on Mars

Exploration of the History of Water on Mars: From Seasonal Cycles to Long-Term Evolution Academic Background As one of the planets in the solar system closest to Earth, Mars has long been a focus of scientific interest. The presence and evolution of water on Mars are directly related to whether the planet once had conditions suitable for life. Unde...