Basal Ganglia and Related Disorders: From Cellular and Circuit Dysfunctions to Therapy

The Interaction Between A2A Receptor and CB1 Receptor in GABA and Glutamate Release in the Basal Ganglia Background The basal ganglia are key structures in the brain responsible for motor control and reward-based behaviors. They receive excitatory inputs from the cortex and thalamus, with 80% of the synapses being glutamatergic, while the second mo...

Phasic/Tonic Glial GABA Differentially Transduce for Olfactory Adaptation and Neuronal Aging

Phasic/Tonic Glial GABA Differentially Transduce for Olfactory Adaptation and Neuronal Aging

Background Gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, regulating neuronal activity and plasticity through two distinct modes: phasic and tonic. However, our understanding of the mechanisms and physiological functions of GABA transmission in glial cells remains limited. Glial cells, especially astrocytes, ca...