Self-Assembled DNA−Collagen Bioactive Scaffolds Promote Cellular Uptake and Neuronal Differentiation

Self-Assembled DNA-Collagen Bioactive Scaffolds Promote Cellular Uptake and Neuronal Differentiation Academic Background In molecular biology research, the interaction between DNA and proteins has always been a crucial topic for understanding cellular processes. With the deepening understanding of DNA-protein interactions, this knowledge has been w...

Sex Differences in Olfactory Behavior and Neurophysiology in Long Evans Rats

Sex Differences in Olfactory Behavior and Neurophysiology in Long Evans Rats Academic Background Olfaction plays a crucial role in the survival and reproduction of many species. Studies have shown that females exhibit greater sensitivity in certain olfactory behaviors compared to males. For example, human females outperform males in olfactory thres...

Computational Modeling of Receptive Field Construction in Midget Ganglion Cells of Primate Retina

Computational Modeling Study on the Construction of Receptive Fields in Midget Ganglion Cells of Primate Retina Academic Background The midget pathway in the primate retina is the foundation for high spatial resolution and color perception in the visual system. A key feature of this pathway is the center-surround organization of the receptive field...

The Geometry of Correlated Variability Leads to Highly Suboptimal Discriminative Sensory Coding

Correlated Variability in the Brain Leads to Highly Suboptimal Sensory Coding Academic Background The brain perceives the world through the activity of neural populations, but it remains unclear whether the computational goal of sensory coding is to support the discrimination of sensory stimuli or to generate an internal model of the sensory world....

A Single Exposure to Prolonged Flexor Carpi Radialis Muscle Vibration Increases Sensorimotor Cortical Areas Activity

Effects of Local Vibration on Sensorimotor Cortical Activity Background Introduction Local Vibration (LV) is a technique that applies high-frequency (≥100 Hz) and low-amplitude ( mm) vibrations to muscles or tendons. Studies have shown that LV can promote brain plasticity through repeated activation of Ia afferents, but the specific mechanisms rema...

Insulin Activates Parasympathetic Hepatic-Related Neurons of the Paraventricular Nucleus of the Hypothalamus Through mTOR Signaling

Insulin Activates Hepatic-Related Neurons in the Paraventricular Nucleus of the Hypothalamus via mTOR Signaling Academic Background Glucose homeostasis is a critical physiological process for sustaining life, with the liver playing a central role in this regulation. The liver maintains blood glucose levels by modulating glycogen production and gluc...

Control of Movement: Latency and Amplitude of Catch-Up Saccades to Accelerating Targets

The Impact of Retinal Acceleration Error on Catch-Up Saccades Research Background When humans track moving objects, they primarily rely on two types of eye movements: smooth pursuit and saccades. Smooth pursuit depends on visual motion signals, but when tracking errors accumulate, the brain initiates catch-up saccades to realign the gaze with the t...

The Serotonergic Psychedelic DOI Impairs Deviance Detection in the Auditory Cortex

The Impairment of Deviance Detection in the Auditory Cortex by DOI Academic Background Psychedelics are a class of psychoactive substances that can significantly alter perception, cognition, and mood. In recent years, psychedelics have shown potential applications in treating conditions such as depression, anxiety, and trauma-related disorders. How...

Dopamine Receptors D1, D2, and D4 Modulate Electrical Synapses and Excitability in the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus

The Regulatory Role of Dopamine Receptors in the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus: A Study on Neuronal Excitability and Electrical Synapses Academic Background The Thalamic Reticular Nucleus (TRN) is a crucial inhibitory neuronal network in the brain, responsible for regulating the transmission of sensory information between the thalamus and the cortex. ...

The Discharge Characteristics of Motor Units Innervating Functionally Paralyzed Muscles

Functional Study of Motor Neurons After Spinal Cord Injury Background Introduction Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is a severe neurological disorder that often leads to the loss of motor function in patients. Although patients may lose voluntary control of limb movements after SCI, studies have shown that motor neurons below the injury level may still ret...