Hidden Deep Sulfide Cumulates Beneath the Jinchuan Ni–Cu–Platinum-Group Element Deposit (China) Inferred from Ni–Cu Isotopes

Discovery of Deep Sulfide Cumulates Beneath the Jinchuan Ni-Cu-Platinum Group Element Deposit and Its Significance Background Introduction Nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), and platinum group elements (PGE) are critical metal resources on Earth, widely used in industries, electronics, and new energy sectors. Approximately 56% of the world’s nickel, 3% of c...

Mantle Oxidation by Sulfur Drives the Formation of Giant Gold Deposits in Subduction Zones

Mantle Oxidation by Sulfur Drives the Formation of Giant Gold Deposits in Subduction Zones Academic Background Most of Earth’s metal resources are concentrated in magmatic arc environments, and subduction zones are the primary regions for mass exchange between the mantle and crust. Fluids released from subducting slabs are believed to oxidize the o...