Marsh Topography Reveals the Signature of Storm-Surge-Driven Sedimentation

Salt Marsh Topography Reveals the Signature of Storm-Surge-Driven Sedimentation Academic Background Salt marshes are transitional zones located in low-lying, sheltered coastlines, situated between land and sea. They are among the most productive and fragile ecosystems on Earth, providing essential ecological services such as carbon sequestration, w...

New Insights on Gravity Flow Dynamics During Submarine Canyon Flushing Events

New Insights into Gravity Flow Dynamics During Submarine Canyon Flushing Events Academic Background Submarine canyons are critical conduits connecting land and the deep ocean, and their formation and evolution have long been a focus of marine geological research. However, due to the destructive and infrequent nature of submarine canyon flushing eve...

Heuristic Underwater Perceptual Enhancement with Semantic Collaborative Learning

Academic Background and Problem Statement Underwater images have significant application value in fields such as marine exploration, underwater robotics, and marine life identification. However, due to the refraction and absorption of light by water, underwater images often suffer from low contrast and color distortion, which severely impacts the a...

Diatom Phytochromes Integrate the Underwater Light Spectrum to Sense Depth

Report on the Study of Diatom Phytochromes Integrating Underwater Light Spectrum to Sense Depth Academic Background The distribution of light in marine ecosystems profoundly influences aquatic life. Light not only attenuates with depth but also undergoes significant spectral changes. However, research on how phytoplankton perceive these light chang...

Learning to Detect Novel Species with SAM in the Wild

Academic Paper Report: Open World Object Detection Framework Using SAM Background As the importance of ecosystem monitoring grows, the observation of wildlife and plant populations has become a crucial aspect of ecological conservation and agricultural development. These monitoring tasks include estimating population sizes, identifying species, stu...