The Geometry of Correlated Variability Leads to Highly Suboptimal Discriminative Sensory Coding

Correlated Variability in the Brain Leads to Highly Suboptimal Sensory Coding Academic Background The brain perceives the world through the activity of neural populations, but it remains unclear whether the computational goal of sensory coding is to support the discrimination of sensory stimuli or to generate an internal model of the sensory world....

A Single Exposure to Prolonged Flexor Carpi Radialis Muscle Vibration Increases Sensorimotor Cortical Areas Activity

Effects of Local Vibration on Sensorimotor Cortical Activity Background Introduction Local Vibration (LV) is a technique that applies high-frequency (≥100 Hz) and low-amplitude ( mm) vibrations to muscles or tendons. Studies have shown that LV can promote brain plasticity through repeated activation of Ia afferents, but the specific mechanisms rema...

Estimating Descending Activation Patterns from EMG in Fast and Slow Movements Using a Model of the Stretch Reflex

Estimating Descending Activation Patterns from EMG in Fast and Slow Movements Using a Stretch Reflex Model Background In the field of motor control, descending activation from the brain is the primary source of muscle activation, but spinal reflex loops also play a significant role in movement generation. The spinal stretch reflex is a short-latenc...

Neurophysiological Effects of Latent Trigger Point Dry Needling on Spinal Reflexes

Neurophysiological Effects of Deep Dry Needling on Spinal Reflexes Academic Background Deep Dry Needling (DDN) is a commonly used method for treating muscle trigger points (TrPs), particularly in patients with neuromuscular pain and spasticity. Although DDN is widely used in clinical practice, its neurophysiological mechanisms are not yet fully und...