Estimating Descending Activation Patterns from EMG in Fast and Slow Movements Using a Model of the Stretch Reflex

Estimating Descending Activation Patterns from EMG in Fast and Slow Movements Using a Stretch Reflex Model Background In the field of motor control, descending activation from the brain is the primary source of muscle activation, but spinal reflex loops also play a significant role in movement generation. The spinal stretch reflex is a short-latenc...

Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Musculoskeletal Modeling: Predicting Muscle Forces and Joint Kinematics from Surface EMG

Musculoskeletal models have been widely used in biomechanical analysis because they can estimate motion variables that are difficult to measure directly in living organisms, such as muscle forces and joint moments. Traditional physics-driven computational musculoskeletal models can explain the dynamic interactions between neural inputs to muscles, ...