A Single Exposure to Prolonged Flexor Carpi Radialis Muscle Vibration Increases Sensorimotor Cortical Areas Activity

Effects of Local Vibration on Sensorimotor Cortical Activity Background Introduction Local Vibration (LV) is a technique that applies high-frequency (≥100 Hz) and low-amplitude ( mm) vibrations to muscles or tendons. Studies have shown that LV can promote brain plasticity through repeated activation of Ia afferents, but the specific mechanisms rema...

Differential Contributions of the C1 ERP and Broadband High-Frequency Activity to Visual Processing

Differential Contributions of High-Frequency Activity and C1 ERP Component to Visual Processing: A Combined EEG-MEG Study Academic Background In the field of neuroscience, understanding how visual information is processed in the brain is a central question. Visual information processing is typically divided into two main processes: feedforward and ...

Functional Connectivity Alterations in Patients with Post-Stroke Epilepsy Based on Source-Level EEG and Graph Theory

Research Report on Changes in Functional Connectivity in Post-Stroke Epilepsy (PSE) Patients Based on Source-Level EEG and Graph Theory Research Background Epilepsy has various etiologies, including idiopathic, congenital, head trauma, central nervous system infections, brain tumors, neurodegenerative diseases, and cerebrovascular diseases. Among t...

Multi-task Heterogeneous Ensemble Learning-based Cross-subject EEG Classification in Stroke Patients

Multi-task Heterogeneous Ensemble Learning-based Cross-subject EEG Classification in Stroke Patients

Background Introduction Motor Imagery (MI) refers to performing activities through imagination without actual muscle movement. This paradigm is widely used in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) to decode brain activities into control commands for external devices. Specifically, Electroencephalography (EEG) is widely used in BCI due to its relative affo...

Attention-Guided Graph Structure Learning Network for EEG-enabled Auditory Attention Detection

Attention-Guided Graph Structure Learning Network for EEG-enabled Auditory Attention Detection

Application of Attention-guided Graph Structure Learning Network for EEG-enabled Auditory Attention Detection Academic Background The “cocktail party effect” describes the human brain’s ability to selectively concentrate attention on one speaker while ignoring others in a multi-talker environment. However, for individuals with hearing impairments, ...

Thresholds and Mechanisms of Human Magnetophosphene Perception Induced by Low Frequency Sinusoidal Magnetic Fields

Threshold and Mechanisms of Magnetophosphene Perception Background The effect of Magnetic Fields (MF) on the human body has long been a hot topic in scientific research. Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields (ELF-MF) are widespread in daily life, primarily originating from power lines (50⁄60 Hz) and household appliances. These magnetic fields can...

Mapping Interictal Discharges Using Intracranial EEG-fMRI to Predict Postsurgical Outcomes

Mapping Interictal Discharges Using Intracranial EEG-fMRI to Predict Postsurgical Outcomes

Using Intracranial EEG-fMRI Mapping of Intermittent Discharges to Predict Epilepsy Surgery Outcomes Background and Objective Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder, and many patients are unresponsive to pharmacological treatments, making surgery one of the primary therapeutic options. However, accurately localizing the seizure onset zone (SOZ) ...