Computational Modeling of Receptive Field Construction in Midget Ganglion Cells of Primate Retina

Computational Modeling Study on the Construction of Receptive Fields in Midget Ganglion Cells of Primate Retina Academic Background The midget pathway in the primate retina is the foundation for high spatial resolution and color perception in the visual system. A key feature of this pathway is the center-surround organization of the receptive field...

Chilean Brush-Tailed Mouse (Octodon degus): A Diurnal Precocial Rodent as a New Model to Study Visual Receptive Field Properties of Superior Colliculus Neurons

The Chilean Brush-tailed Mouse (Octodon degus) as a New Model for Studying the Visual System Academic Background The study of the visual system has always been an important topic in the field of neuroscience. Traditionally, scientists have used nocturnal or crepuscular rodents (such as hamsters, rats, and mice) as models to study the development an...