A Temporal Dependency Learning CNN with Attention Mechanism for MI-EEG Decoding

MI-EEG Decoding Using a Temporal Dependency Learning Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Based on Attention Mechanism Research Background and Problem Description Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems provide a new way of communicating with computers by real-time translation of brain signals. In recent years, BCI technology has played an important r...

A Transformer-Based Approach Combining Deep Learning Network and Spatial-Temporal Information for Raw EEG Classification

Research Background and Objectives In recent years, Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems have been widely applied in the fields of neuroengineering and neuroscience. Electroencephalogram (EEG), as a data tool reflecting the activities of different neuronal groups in the central nervous system, has become a core research topic in these fields. How...

ADFCNN: Attention-Based Dual-Scale Fusion Convolutional Neural Network for Motor Imagery Brain–Computer Interface

ADFCNN: Attention-Based Dual-Scale Fusion Convolutional Neural Network for Motor Imagery Brain–Computer Interface

Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) has emerged as an enhanced communication and control technology in recent years. In BCI based on electrophysiological characteristics (such as Electroencephalogram, EEG), Motor Imagery (MI) is an important branch that decodes users’ motor intentions for use in clinical rehabilitation, intelligent wheelchair control, c...

An Intersubject Brain-Computer Interface Based on Domain-Adversarial Training of Convolutional Neural Network for Online Attention Decoding

An Intersubject Brain-Computer Interface Based on Domain-Adversarial Training of Convolutional Neural Network for Online Attention Decoding

Cross-Subject Brain-Computer Interface: Real-time Attention Decoding Based on Domain-Adversarial Training with Convolutional Neural Networks Academic Background Attention decoding plays a crucial role in our daily lives and its implementation based on electroencephalogram (EEG) has garnered extensive attention. However, due to significant inter-ind...