ADFCNN: Attention-Based Dual-Scale Fusion Convolutional Neural Network for Motor Imagery Brain–Computer Interface

ADFCNN: Attention-Based Dual-Scale Fusion Convolutional Neural Network for Motor Imagery Brain–Computer Interface

Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) has emerged as an enhanced communication and control technology in recent years. In BCI based on electrophysiological characteristics (such as Electroencephalogram, EEG), Motor Imagery (MI) is an important branch that decodes users’ motor intentions for use in clinical rehabilitation, intelligent wheelchair control, c...

An Attention-Based Deep Learning Approach for Sleep Stage Classification with Single-Channel EEG

The IEEE “Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering” published a paper titled “Sleep Stage Classification Using Attention-Based Deep Learning for Single-Channel EEG” in Volume 29, 2021. The author of the article include Emadeldeen Edele, Zhenghua Chen, Chengyu Liu, Min Wu, Chee-Keong Kwoh, Xiaoli Li, and Cuntai Guan. The main go...