Study on GABRA4 Gene Mutations and Neurological Phenotypes

New Scientific Research Reveals Association Between GABRA4 Gene and Neurological Phenotypes Research Background In recent years, significant progress has been made in the study of epilepsy and developmental disorder syndromes associated with single gene mutations. GABAA receptors (gamma-aminobutyric acid sub-type A receptors, GABAARs) are heterogen...

Differential Cortical Layer Engagement During Seizure Initiation and Spread in Humans

Differential Cortical Layer Engagement During Seizure Initiation and Spread in Humans

Study on the Differences in Cortical Layers During Epileptic Seizure Onset and Spread Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that severely impacts patients’ quality of life, affecting approximately 1% of the global population. Among all epilepsy patients, nearly one-third are resistant to pharmaceutical treatments, known as drug-resistant epilepsy. Fo...

Feasibility, Safety, and Performance of Full-Head Subscalp EEG Using Minimally Invasive Electrode Implantation

Feasibility, Safety, and Performance of Full-Scalp Subdural EEG - A Report on Minimally Invasive Electrode Implantation Background and Purpose Since Berger first recorded human scalp electrical signals and discovered the alpha rhythm in 1929, the recording capabilities of electroencephalography (EEG) have significantly improved in terms of spatial ...