Passive Beamforming Metasurfaces for Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Imaging

Passive Beamforming Metasurfaces for Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Imaging Academic Background Microwave-induced thermoacoustic imaging (MTAI) is an emerging medical imaging technology that combines the advantages of microwave and ultrasound imaging. It generates ultrasonic waves (i.e., thermoacoustic signals) by irradiating biological tissues w...

A High Signal-to-Noise Ratio Spatial Encoding Technique for Magnetic Particle Imaging

Space-Specific Mixed Excitation Technique for High Signal-to-Noise Ratio Spatial Encoding in Magnetic Particle Imaging Background Introduction Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) is an emerging, radiation-free tracer imaging technology that visualizes the spatial distribution of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIOs) to achieve high-sensiti...