Complex Quantized Minimum Error Entropy with Fiducial Points: Theory and Application in Model Regression

Theory and Application of Complex Quantized Minimum Error Entropy with Fiducial Points: Breakthroughs in Model Regression Academic Background In the fields of machine learning and signal processing, the presence of non-Gaussian noise often adversely affects model performance. Although the traditional Mean Squared Error (MSE) is theoretically and co...

Probabilistic Memory Auto-Encoding Network for Abnormal Behavior Detection in Surveillance Video

Probabilistic Memory Auto-Encoding Network for Abnormal Behavior Detection in Surveillance Video

Research on Abnormal Behavior Detection in Surveillance Video Based on Probabilistic Memory Auto-Encoding Network Academic Background In intelligent surveillance systems, abnormal behavior detection is a crucial function widely applied in anti-terrorism, social stability maintenance, and public safety assurance. However, a core challenge in abnorma...

Enhancing Passive Cavitation Imaging Using Pth Root Compression Delay, Sum, and Integrate Beamforming: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies

Application of pth Root Compression Delay, Sum and Integrate Beamforming in Passive Cavitation Imaging Academic Background Passive Cavitation Imaging (PCI) is a technique used to monitor bubble activity during ultrasound therapy, widely applied in treatment scenarios such as drug delivery and tissue ablation (e.g., Histotripsy). However, existing P...

Passive Beamforming Metasurfaces for Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Imaging

Passive Beamforming Metasurfaces for Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Imaging Academic Background Microwave-induced thermoacoustic imaging (MTAI) is an emerging medical imaging technology that combines the advantages of microwave and ultrasound imaging. It generates ultrasonic waves (i.e., thermoacoustic signals) by irradiating biological tissues w...

Two-source Validation of Online Surface EMG Decomposition Using Progressive FastICA Peel-off

Two-Source Validation Study of Online Surface Electromyogram Decomposition Academic Background Surface electromyogram (SEMG) signals are crucial representations of muscle activity and are widely used in fields such as sports rehabilitation, robotic control, and human-machine interaction. However, SEMG signals are challenging to decompose due to the...

Interdisciplinary Advances in Microcombs: Bridging Physics and Information Technology

Interdisciplinary Advances in Microcomb Technology: Bridging Physics and Information Technology Academic Background The optical frequency comb (OFC) is a technology that divides the optical frequency domain into a series of discrete, equally spaced frequency lines. It has been widely used in precision measurements, optical communications, atomic cl...

A Spatial-Frequency Patching Metasurface Enabling Super-Capacity Perfect Vector Vortex Beams

The Realization of Super-Capacity Perfect Vector Vortex Beams Research Background and Problem Statement Optical vortices, with their unique orbital angular momentum (OAM) characteristics, have demonstrated great potential in applications such as optical multiplexing, particle manipulation, imaging, holographic display, optical communication, and op...

Conceptual Design of Multimode Interference-Based Photonic Crystal Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (De)Interleavers

Research Background and Problem Statement With the rapid development of modern optical communication technology, wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems play a core role in achieving high-capacity, multifunctional optical networks. Among these, (de)interleavers, as key components of wavelength demultiplexing structures, can efficiently separ...

Structural Design of a Mid-Infrared Low-Noise Waveguide Photodetector Integrated with an Ultra-Short Waveguide Taper

Academic Background The mid-infrared spectrum range (2.5 to 20 µm) is widely used in gas detection, optical communication, high-quality imaging, bacterial research, and soil composition analysis due to its characteristic absorption peaks of many molecular bonds. Among these applications, waveguide photodetectors have become a key component in photo...

Design of High-Gain Multi-Band Circularly Polarized Bi-Layered Metasurface Patch Array Antenna

Design of High-Gain Multi-Band Circularly Polarized Bi-Layered Metasurface Patch Array Antenna

Research on the Design of High Gain Multi-band Circularly Polarized Bi-layered Metasurface Patch Array Antenna Academic Background and Research Motivation Terahertz (THz) band communication has received widespread attention in recent years due to its potential to expand bandwidth in wireless communication systems. However, the application of terahe...