Comparative Molecular Taxonomics of Neurons in the Cingulate Cortex of Rhesus Monkey and Mouse via Single-Nucleus RNA Sequencing

Comparative Study of Molecular Taxonomy in Cortical Regions of Primates and Rodents The brain structure is complex, showing high complexity in both molecular and cellular composition. Current research on brain molecular taxonomy is mainly based on rodents. However, although primates and rodents have common ancestors, they diverged through different...

Cell Type Mapping of Inflammatory Muscle Diseases Highlights Selective Myofiber Vulnerability in Inclusion Body Myositis

Characterization of Heterogeneity in Muscle Fiber Types and Selective Susceptibility in Inclusion Body Myositis With advancing age, the incidence of inflammatory myopathies gradually increases, among which inclusion body myositis (IBM) is the most common type, currently lacking effective treatment methods. Unlike other inflammatory myopathies, IBM ...