Genetic Associations with an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Reversal Phenotype

Genetic Association Study of ALS Reversal Phenotype Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease characterized by the death of upper and lower motor neurons, progressive weakness, and eventual respiratory failure. However, individual ALS patients have exhibited unusual clinical reversal phenomena, where symptoms signific...

Cell Type Mapping of Inflammatory Muscle Diseases Highlights Selective Myofiber Vulnerability in Inclusion Body Myositis

Characterization of Heterogeneity in Muscle Fiber Types and Selective Susceptibility in Inclusion Body Myositis With advancing age, the incidence of inflammatory myopathies gradually increases, among which inclusion body myositis (IBM) is the most common type, currently lacking effective treatment methods. Unlike other inflammatory myopathies, IBM ...

HLA-A+ Tertiary Lymphoid Structures with Reactivated Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Are Associated with a Positive Immunotherapy Response in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

In esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy has achieved significant clinical benefits. However, the overall response rate to ICB treatment remains low. This study aims to identify biomarkers for ESCC response to ICB therapy and explore their potential clinical relevance. The authors of the paper come from...

Condensate-Promoting ENL Mutation Drives Tumorigenesis In Vivo Through Dynamic Regulation Of Histone Modifications And Gene Expression

Condensate-Promoting ENL Mutation Drives Tumorigenesis In Vivo Through Dynamic Regulation Of Histone Modifications And Gene Expression

Scientific Paper Report: ENL Mutations Driving Tumor Development This scientific paper, written by Yiman Liu, Qinglan Li, Lele Song, et al., mainly investigates the role of ENL protein mutations in tumor development. This study was published in the 2024 issue of the journal Cancer Discovery. Background Precise control of gene expression is critical...

CRISPRi-based Circuits to Control Gene Expression in Plants

CRISPRi-based Circuits to Control Gene Expression in Plants

Academic Background In the field of plant biotechnology, traditional gene manipulation methods focus on producing the desired phenotypes and cellular activities through continuous transgene expression. However, strong continuous promoters may lead to gene silencing, metabolic burdens, or other adverse effects on yield, preventing the full realizati...