Compartmentalized dendritic plasticity in the mouse retrosplenial cortex links contextual memories formed close in time

Compartmentalized Dendritic Plasticity in the Mouse Retrosplenial Cortex Links Contextual Memories Formed Close in Time Academic Background Memory formation is a dynamic process where individual memories are stored, updated, and integrated into the framework of other preexisting memories to drive adaptive behavior. Recent studies have shown that th...

Gating of social behavior by inhibitory inputs from hippocampal CA1 to retrosplenial agranular cortex

Gating of Social Behavior by Inhibitory Input from Hippocampal CA1 to Retrosplenial Agranular Cortex Background Social behavior is a fundamental requirement for mammalian survival and reproduction, requiring the perception of sensory information, processing of social relevance, and further integration in the prefrontal cortex. Neuropsychiatric diso...