Compartmentalized dendritic plasticity in the mouse retrosplenial cortex links contextual memories formed close in time

Compartmentalized Dendritic Plasticity in the Mouse Retrosplenial Cortex Links Contextual Memories Formed Close in Time Academic Background Memory formation is a dynamic process where individual memories are stored, updated, and integrated into the framework of other preexisting memories to drive adaptive behavior. Recent studies have shown that th...

Introduction to Cadence: A Neuroinformatics Tool for Supervised Calcium Events Detection

A New Breakthrough in Neuroinformatics: Research Report on Cadence Tool for Calcium Event Detection Background Introduction Calcium imaging technology has revolutionized the study of neuron ensembles, providing researchers with a powerful tool to simultaneously visualize and monitor multiple neuronal activities. Calcium imaging utilizes fluorescent...

Accumulation of NMDA Receptors in Accumbal Neuronal Ensembles Mediates Increased Conditioned Place Preference for Cocaine After Prolonged Withdrawal

Study Reveals Molecular Mechanisms of Enhanced Cocaine Craving in Rats During Withdrawal Background Introduction The issue of relapse in drug abuse poses a significant challenge in addiction treatment. According to related research, relapse behaviors in drug addiction are often triggered by environmental cues associated with drug use. This phenomen...