Alternative Lengthening of Telomere-Based Immortalization Renders H3G34R-Mutant Diffuse Hemispheric Glioma Hypersensitive to PARP Inhibitor Combination Regimens

Background Introduction Diffuse Hemispheric Glioma (DHG) is a highly aggressive and poorly prognostic high-grade glioma, particularly prevalent in children and adolescents. The H3G34R/V mutation is one of the common genetic alterations in this type of tumor, often accompanied by the inactivation of the ATRX (Alpha-Thalassemia/Mental Retardation Syn...

GABAergic Neuronal Lineage Development Determines Clinically Actionable Targets in Diffuse Hemispheric Glioma

Background and Research Objectives High-Grade Glioma (HGG) is a highly lethal primary brain tumor with a particularly high incidence and mortality rate in children and adolescents. HGG can be further divided into several subtypes, among which Diffuse Hemispheric Glioma, H3G34-mutant (DHG-H3G34), is a rare subtype with poor prognosis, mainly occurri...