A Primate-Specific Endogenous Retroviral Envelope Protein Sequesters SFRP2 to Regulate Human Cardiomyocyte Development

A Primate-Specific Endogenous Retroviral Envelope Protein Regulates Human Cardiomyocyte Development by Inhibiting SFRP2 Research Background and Significance Endogenous Retroviruses (ERVs) are remnants of ancient viral infections that integrated into the host genome and were inherited through the germline to modern human genomes during evolution. Th...

Regulation of XIST Gene Silencing in Embryonic Development: Analysis of Human and Bovine Preimplantation Embryos

Exploring XIST Silencing and Repressor Factors on the X Chromosome in Early Human and Bovine Embryos Research Background X chromosome inactivation is a dosage compensation mechanism in mammals, aimed at balancing the expression of X-linked genes between females and males. The XIST gene locus can trigger transcriptional silencing of the additional X...