Spatial Multiomic Landscape of the Human Placenta at Molecular Resolution

A New Chapter in the Molecular Understanding of the Human Placenta: Breakthroughs in Spatial Multiomics Background and Research Questions The placenta is the first fetal organ to develop during human pregnancy and plays a critical role in ensuring successful gestation and healthy fetal development. Despite its importance, our understanding of the m...

Regulation of XIST Gene Silencing in Embryonic Development: Analysis of Human and Bovine Preimplantation Embryos

Exploring XIST Silencing and Repressor Factors on the X Chromosome in Early Human and Bovine Embryos Research Background X chromosome inactivation is a dosage compensation mechanism in mammals, aimed at balancing the expression of X-linked genes between females and males. The XIST gene locus can trigger transcriptional silencing of the additional X...