Analyzing Embryo Dormancy at Single-Cell Resolution Reveals Dynamic Transcriptional Responses and Activation of Integrin-YAP/TAZ Prosurvival Signaling

Dynamic Transcriptional Response and Activation of Integrin-YAP/TAZ Survival Signaling Pathway Revealed by Single-Cell Resolution Analysis of Embryo Dormancy Introduction Embryo dormancy, or diapause, is a unique reproductive adaptation that allows some mammals to pause embryonic development without compromising their developmental potential. Diapa...

Gfi1b Specifies Developmental Potential of Innate Lymphoid Cell Progenitors in the Lungs

Background Introduction In respiratory diseases, the lung is a sensitive organ exposed to the external environment, making it susceptible to pathogens, allergens, and toxic particles. Due to the high morbidity and mortality associated with respiratory diseases (such as asthma), it is crucial to study the mechanisms protecting the cells on the surfa...