Multi-view Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks with Domain Generalization for Sleep Stage Classification

Sleep stage classification is crucial for sleep quality assessment and disease diagnosis. However, existing classification methods still face numerous challenges in handling the spatial and temporal features of time-varying multi-channel brain signals, coping with individual differences in biological signals, and model interpretability. Traditional...

Self-Supervised Learning of Accelerometer Data Provides New Insights for Sleep and Its Association with Mortality

Self-Supervised Learning of Accelerometer Data Provides New Insights for Sleep and Its Association with Mortality

Insights into the Association Between Sleep and Mortality Revealed by Self-supervised Learning of Wrist-worn Accelerometer Data In modern society, sleep is an essential basic activity for life, and its importance is self-evident. Accurately measuring and classifying sleep/wake states and different sleep stages is crucial for diagnosing sleep disord...