Self-Supervised Learning of Accelerometer Data Provides New Insights for Sleep and Its Association with Mortality

Self-Supervised Learning of Accelerometer Data Provides New Insights for Sleep and Its Association with Mortality

Insights into the Association Between Sleep and Mortality Revealed by Self-supervised Learning of Wrist-worn Accelerometer Data In modern society, sleep is an essential basic activity for life, and its importance is self-evident. Accurately measuring and classifying sleep/wake states and different sleep stages is crucial for diagnosing sleep disord...

Brief Communication: Brain Clearance is Reduced During Sleep and Anesthesia

Brain Clearance Mechanism Suppressed During Sleep and Anesthesia Background Clearing metabolic wastes and toxic substances from the brain is a crucial process for maintaining a healthy nervous system. However, the specific mechanism of this process has been debated. A widely discussed viewpoint suggests that the sleep state promotes the function of...