Modulating the Difficulty of a Visual Oddball-like Task and P3m Amplitude

Modulation of P3m Amplitude by Task Difficulty in a Visual Oddball Task Background In cognitive neuroscience research, Event-Related Potentials (ERP) and Event-Related Fields (ERF) are important means to explore the cognitive processing mechanisms of the brain. Among these, the P3 component (referred to as P3m in magnetoencephalography) has garnere...

Bayesian Estimation of Group Event-Related Potential Components: Testing a Model for Synthetic and Real Datasets

Background Introduction The study of Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) provides important information about brain mechanisms, particularly in elucidating various psychological processes. In these studies, multi-channel electroencephalograms (EEGs) are typically recorded while subjects perform specific tasks, and the trials are categorized based on st...