Nucleobase Adducts Bind MR1 and Stimulate MR1-Restricted T Cells

Nucleotide Base Adducts Bind MR1 and Stimulate MR1-Restricted T Cells Abstract This article provides an overview of the latest research by Vacchini et al. on MR1-restricted T cells (MR1T cells), which discovered the presence of nucleotide base adducts as MR1T cell antigens and unveiled their metabolic pathways and physiological functions in tumor c...

Nucleobase Adducts Bind MR1 and Stimulate MR1-Restricted T Cells

Nucleotide Adduct Binding MR1 and Activation of MR1-Restricted T Cells Academic Background MR1T cells, a recently discovered class of T cells, can recognize antigens presented by MHC class I-related molecule MR1 without microbial infection. These cells exhibit both helper and cytotoxic properties in vitro, but the endogenous antigens they recognize...