Stochastic Modeling of Single-Cell Gene Expression Adaptation Reveals Non-Genomic Contribution to Evolution of Tumor Subclones

Stochastic Modeling of Single-Cell Gene Expression Adaptation Reveals Non-Genomic Contribution to Tumor Subclone Evolution Academic Background Cancer is a complex disease whose progression is driven by the evolution of cells that are selected through adaptive advantages for growth. Traditionally, cancer evolution research has focused primarily on g...

Fluoxetine Rescues Excessive Myelin Formation and Psychological Behaviors in a Murine PTSD Model

Fluoxetine Rescues Excessive Myelin Formation and Psychological Behaviors in a Murine PTSD Model Background Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex mental disorder characterized by spontaneous intrusions of traumatic memories, avoidance of trauma-related stimuli, negative emotions and cognitions, and hyperarousal. Although existing first...