Language and Sensory Characteristics Are Reflected in Voice-Evoked Responses in Low Birth Weight Children

Language and Sensory Characteristics of Very Low Birth Weight Children in Response to Sound Background and Motivation Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) children face higher risks of cognitive developmental obstacles, including language deficits and sensory-motor difficulties. Previous studies have indicated that sound-evoked brain responses (P1m) can se...

Tracking the Neurodevelopmental Trajectory of Beta Band Oscillations with Optically Pumped Magnetometer-based Magnetoencephalography

Tracking the Neurodevelopmental Trajectory of Beta Band Oscillations with Optically Pumped Magnetometer-based Magnetoencephalography

Research Background Neural oscillations are fundamental components of brain function, coordinating electrophysiological activities within and between neural assemblies, which is crucial for cognitive and behavioral processes. During children’s growth, the development of these neural processes is not only an important neuroscience issue but also can...

Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Cortical Somatosensory Network in Typically Developing Children

Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Somatosensory Cortex Network in Typically Developing Children Research Background Touch plays a crucial role in our interaction with external objects and the fine control of hand movements. Despite substantial research on the mechanisms of sensory information processing in human skin, it remains unclear how brain re...