Tracking the Neurodevelopmental Trajectory of Beta Band Oscillations with Optically Pumped Magnetometer-based Magnetoencephalography

Research Schematic

Research Background

Neural oscillations are fundamental components of brain function, coordinating electrophysiological activities within and between neural assemblies, which is crucial for cognitive and behavioral processes. During children’s growth, the development of these neural processes is not only an important neuroscience issue but also can reveal potential mechanisms of neuropathology and psychiatric disorders. However, measuring the developmental trajectories of neural oscillations has been limited by equipment constraints.

Paper Source

This paper was written by Lukas Rier, Natalie Rhodes, Daisie O Pakenham, and others, from institutions such as the University of Nottingham and Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. The paper was published on June 4, 2024, in the journal eLife, titled “Tracking the neurodevelopmental trajectory of beta band oscillations with optically pumped magnetometer-based magnetoencephalography.”

Research Objective

This study aims to examine an innovative imaging platform - the optically pumped magnetometer (OPM) based magnetoencephalography (MEG) system, in its suitability for studying neural oscillations in the brain development process. The study showcases a unique 192-channel OPM-MEG device which adapts to different head sizes and maintains high fidelity in data collection even when subjects move.

Research Method

a) Research Process

The paper includes multiple experimental steps:

  1. Experimental Design and Equipment: The experiment relies on a 192-channel OPM-MEG system, comparing children and adults. The equipment includes 3D-printed adaptive helmets, weighing between 856g and 906g, equipped with an internal temperature control system to ensure comfort.
  2. Participants: The experiment involved 27 children aged 2 to 13 years and 26 adults aged 21 to 34 years. During a passive somatosensory stimulation task, the right index finger and little finger of the subjects were stimulated separately, each lasting 0.5 seconds and occurring every 3.5 seconds, repeated 42 times in total.
  3. Data Collection and Preprocessing: The data first underwent noise and artifact detection and removal, then band-pass filtering (1-150Hz), power spectrum estimation, and ICA algorithm denoising. These data were subsequently analyzed to construct time-frequency spectra and calculate functional connectivity matrices.
  4. Algorithms and Analysis Tools: These include the LCMV beamformer spatial filter, Pearson statistical method, amplitude envelope correlation (AEC), and Hidden Markov Model (HMM), among others.

b) Main Results

  1. Relation of β Wave Modulation with Age: The study found that as age increases, the modulation amplitude of β waves under index finger and little finger stimulation significantly increases. The β wave modulation in infancy and early childhood is relatively weak, whereas it is particularly pronounced in adults.
  2. Whole-Brain Functional Connectivity: Adults show significantly stronger functional connectivity than children, and the connectivity strength increases significantly with age, especially in the prefrontal and parietal regions, with minimal changes in the visual cortex.
  3. Burst Model Explaining β Wave Dynamics: The study found that task-induced β wave modulation is driven by the probability of burst occurrences. With increasing age, this burst period phenomenon becomes more apparent. Additionally, spectral characteristics differ between age groups.

c) Conclusion and Significance of the Study

The study proposes the superiority of the new OPM-MEG-based platform in studying children’s neural development, particularly with significant improvements in precision and operability, addressing the limitations of traditional MEG and EEG. The data not only corroborate existing research results but also provide new neuroscientific insights, revealing the developmental trajectory of β wave oscillations and mechanisms of functional connectivity changes.

d) Highlights of the Study

  1. Innovative Imaging Technology: First large-scale study using the OPM-MEG system to research neural development, demonstrating advantages in data fidelity and adaptability.
  2. Detailed Age Group Analysis: Not only includes adolescence but also covers infancy, preadolescence, and adulthood, showing a complete neural development trajectory.
  3. β Wave Modulation Model Based on Burst Activity: Offers a new perspective to explain neural oscillations, proposing that the increase in burst activity induced by tasks changes with age.

Additional Information

  1. Superiority of System Design: Various helmet sizes can adapt to participants of different ages, significantly reducing measurement errors.
  2. Data Reliability: High-quality data collection and preprocessing processes ensure the reliability and reproducibility of experiment results.
  3. Future Applications: Provides potential new detection methods for understanding and intervening in children’s neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism and epilepsy.

Through this research method and experimental design, this paper demonstrates the great potential of OPM-MEG in neural development research, providing a solid foundation for its future applications in children’s neuroscience studies.