Iron-(Fe3+)-Dependent Reactivation of Telomerase Drives Colorectal Cancers

Iron-(Fe3+)-Dependent Reactivation of Telomerase Drives Colorectal Cancers

Iron (Ferric Ion, Fe3+)-Dependent Telomerase Reactivation Drives Colorectal Cancer Development I. Research Background Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer globally, involving both genetic and non-genetic factors in its pathogenesis. Existing research shows a significant association between high iron content, hereditary iron overl...

Reactivation strength during cued recall is modulated by graph distance within cognitive maps

Reactivation Strength in Memory is Modulated by Graph Distance in Cognitive Maps Research Background Memory formation and retrieval are among the crucial areas of research in neuroscience. Classic memory theories propose that memory depends on three distinct stages: encoding, consolidation, and retrieval. New episodic memories are formed through en...