Reactivation strength during cued recall is modulated by graph distance within cognitive maps

Reactivation Strength in Memory is Modulated by Graph Distance in Cognitive Maps

Research Background

Memory formation and retrieval are among the crucial areas of research in neuroscience. Classic memory theories propose that memory depends on three distinct stages: encoding, consolidation, and retrieval. New episodic memories are formed through encoding and are transformed and consolidated into specific spatiotemporal neural firing patterns within the hippocampus and neocortical networks. These firing patterns are reactivated during subsequent rest or sleep periods, a process believed to be associated with memory consolidation. Similarly, the neural activity patterns during the recall process also reappear, and this reactivation can predict recall success. However, measuring and interpreting this sequential reactivation or general network reactivation in humans is challenging, significantly limiting the research on the associated memory storage and recall processes.

This study focuses on the specific mechanisms of human memory reactivation, particularly in complex graph structures. The paper explores how individuals recall previously learned graph structure information during the cued recall stage and analyzes the relationship between reactivation patterns of different memory performances and graph structure distances.

Source of the Paper

This research was conducted by Simon Kern and his team, with members from various institutions such as the Department of Medical Psychology at Heidelberg University, Center for Computational Psychiatry, Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, among others. The paper was published on May 29, 2023, in the journal eLife, reviewed by Anna C Schapiro.

Research Process

Research Methods and Processes

This study combined a graph learning task with machine learning techniques to investigate neural events associated with memory recall. Previous research has utilized magnetoencephalography (MEG) combined with machine learning techniques to reveal sequence replay in multiple environments (including memory, planning, and reasoning). This study designed a graph-based learning task, allowing participants to learn a directed cyclic graph comprising 10 nodes and 12 edges and then undergo a cued recall task after an 8-minute rest period.

Specific Steps

  1. Localizer Task: Participants performed a localizer task in the MEG scanner, where the 10 items in each graph were repeatedly presented 50 times in a pseudo-random order, combining auditory and visual stimuli to extract multi-sensory activity patterns.

  2. Graph Learning Task: During the learning phase, participants were asked to master the item sequences in the graph through trial-and-error learning. Each node in the graph had only one direct successor and predecessor, but two hub nodes had two direct predecessors and successors. The learning task required participants to reach at least 80% accuracy or a maximum of six learning blocks.

  3. Resting State: Participants underwent an 8-minute eye-closed rest period after the learning task. Data recorded during this stage were not reported in this study.

  4. Retrieval Task: The retrieval task mirrored the learning task but provided no feedback. Participants had to choose the correct successor from three options in each trial.

Decoding and Data Processing

The research team analyzed neural activity patterns extracted from MEG recordings using lasso-regularized logistic regression from Python’s scikit-learn machine learning library and determined decoding accuracy through cross-validation. Decoders were independent of each subject and each stimulus type, and the trained decoders estimated the probability of current image cues in cued recall trials.

Main Results

  1. Behavioral Results: Most participants successfully learned the 10 image sequences embedded in the directed graph. Recall performance slightly improved after an 8-minute rest, suggesting that the consolidation process of learning material in memory may be limited over very short periods.

  2. Decoder Accuracy: The average peak decoding accuracy of decoders in the localizer task was approximately 42%. The decoders could effectively decode the current image cues during cued recall, with accuracy significantly above random levels.

  3. Sequential Playback Analysis: Time-delayed linear modeling (TDLM) confirmed that lower performers had stronger forward sequence replays, while higher performers showed a tendency towards concurrent (coactivation) reactivation, indicating that hippocampal replay’s role might depend on the stability of memory traces.

  4. Coactivation Reactivation: High performers exhibited significant coactivation reactivation between 220-260 milliseconds after image cue presentation, with reactivation strength related to graph structure distance. Reactivation strength was higher for closely related items than for distant ones.

  5. Relationship Between Task Performance and Brain Network Reactivation: The study indicated that reactivation strength was related to graph structure distance and was significant only in correctly recalled trials. This finding underscores the importance of effective reactivation for task performance.

Research Conclusions

This study identified significant differences in memory retrieval strategies among different performers. Lower performers depended on forward sequence replays of previously learned content, while higher performers favored concurrent coactivation. The existence of such mechanisms suggests dynamic changes in reactivation strategies as memory consolidation progresses.

The strength of coactivation reactivation reflects the node distance in graph structures, providing new evidence for cognitive map research. This finding indicates that high-memory performers rely more on long-term consolidated memory maps during recall rather than sequential searching.

Research Highlights

By combining behavioral experiments and MEG technology, this study reveals new mechanisms in human memory reactivation, particularly in recalling complex graph structures. The study found differences in recall strategies and their relationship to memory performance, providing new insights into understanding memory networks in the brain.

Limitations and Future Prospects

  1. Limitations of Experiment Number and Design: The number of experiments was relatively limited, especially in analyzing incorrect answers, potentially affecting result generalization and statistical robustness.

  2. Variability in Number of Learning Blocks: Due to conditional learning, there was considerable variability in the number of learning blocks among participants, making it challenging to compare learning progress.

Future research can systematically explore reactivation mechanisms under different learning experiences and consolidation conditions by manipulating recall practices, extending retention periods, and introducing more complex graph tasks. These studies may further elucidate the dynamic conversion process of playback and reactivation strategies.