Learning Inverse Kinematics Using Neural Computational Primitives on Neuromorphic Hardware

Learning Inverse Dynamics Using Brain-Inspired Computational Principles on Neuromorphic Hardware Background and Research Motivation In the modern field of robotics, there is great potential for low-latency neuromorphic processing systems enabling autonomous artificial agents. However, the variability and low precision of current hardware foundation...

Simultaneous, Cortex-Wide Dynamics of Up to 1 Million Neurons Reveal Unbounded Scaling of Dimensionality with Neuron Number

Simultaneously Recording Up to a Million Neurons’ Cortical Dynamics Reveals Unbounded Scaling of Neuronal Quantity and Dimensionality Summary This scientific report titled “Simultaneously Recording Up to a Million Neurons’ Cortical Dynamics Reveals Unbounded Scaling of Neuronal Quantity and Dimensionality,” published in the journal Neuron (Volume 1...