Impaired Pheromone Detection and Abnormal Sexual Behavior in Female Mice Deficient for AncV1R

Report on the Study of the Impact of ANCV1R Gene Deficiency on Pheromone Detection and Sexual Behavior in Mice Background Introduction In mammals, pheromones are crucial chemical signals that regulate social and sexual behaviors. Pheromone detection is mediated by the vomeronasal organ (VNO), which uses vomeronasal sensory neurons (VSNs) to recogni...

A Neural Basis of Choking Under Pressure

The Neural Basis of Underperformance Under Pressure: An Analysis of the Interaction Between Reward Signals and Motor Preparation in Primate Brains Research Background “Choking under pressure” refers to situations where individuals fail to perform as expected due to the stress of important moments, as often seen with professional athletes during cri...

Face-Specific Activity in the Ventral Stream Visual Cortex Linked to Conscious Face Perception

Face-Specific Activity in the Ventral Stream Visual Cortex Linked to Conscious Face Perception

Exploring the Relationship between Face-Specific Activity and Conscious Face Perception Introduction Face perception is a fundamental cognitive process that enables humans to effectively identify faces in the environment, thus facilitating better social interactions. Extensive research has identified a specific region in the ventral visual cortex o...

Simultaneous, Cortex-Wide Dynamics of Up to 1 Million Neurons Reveal Unbounded Scaling of Dimensionality with Neuron Number

Simultaneously Recording Up to a Million Neurons’ Cortical Dynamics Reveals Unbounded Scaling of Neuronal Quantity and Dimensionality Summary This scientific report titled “Simultaneously Recording Up to a Million Neurons’ Cortical Dynamics Reveals Unbounded Scaling of Neuronal Quantity and Dimensionality,” published in the journal Neuron (Volume 1...

Intracranial electroencephalography reveals effector-independent evidence accumulation dynamics in multiple human brain regions

Academic News Report: Revealing Effector-Independent Evidence Accumulation Dynamics from Intracranial Electrophysiological Recordings Research Background The neural mechanisms underlying the decision-making process have long been a significant topic in neuroscience. Previous studies have indicated that it is possible to identify neural signals rela...

Dimensionality reduction beyond neural subspaces with slice tensor component analysis

Background Introduction: Large-scale neural recording data can typically be described by patterns of co-activated neurons. However, the view of constraining neural activity variability to a fixed low-dimensional subspace may overlook higher-dimensional structures, such as fixed neural sequences or slowly evolving latent spaces. This study argues th...