Face-Specific Activity in the Ventral Stream Visual Cortex Linked to Conscious Face Perception

Face-Specific Activity in the Ventral Stream Visual Cortex Linked to Conscious Face Perception

Exploring the Relationship between Face-Specific Activity and Conscious Face Perception Introduction Face perception is a fundamental cognitive process that enables humans to effectively identify faces in the environment, thus facilitating better social interactions. Extensive research has identified a specific region in the ventral visual cortex o...

Simultaneous, Cortex-Wide Dynamics of Up to 1 Million Neurons Reveal Unbounded Scaling of Dimensionality with Neuron Number

Simultaneously Recording Up to a Million Neurons’ Cortical Dynamics Reveals Unbounded Scaling of Neuronal Quantity and Dimensionality Summary This scientific report titled “Simultaneously Recording Up to a Million Neurons’ Cortical Dynamics Reveals Unbounded Scaling of Neuronal Quantity and Dimensionality,” published in the journal Neuron (Volume 1...

Intracranial electroencephalography reveals effector-independent evidence accumulation dynamics in multiple human brain regions

Academic News Report: Revealing Effector-Independent Evidence Accumulation Dynamics from Intracranial Electrophysiological Recordings Research Background The neural mechanisms underlying the decision-making process have long been a significant topic in neuroscience. Previous studies have indicated that it is possible to identify neural signals rela...

Dimensionality reduction beyond neural subspaces with slice tensor component analysis

Background Introduction: Large-scale neural recording data can typically be described by patterns of co-activated neurons. However, the view of constraining neural activity variability to a fixed low-dimensional subspace may overlook higher-dimensional structures, such as fixed neural sequences or slowly evolving latent spaces. This study argues th...