D1R-5-HT2AR Uncoupling Reduces Depressive Behaviors via HDAC Signaling

D1R-5-HT2AR Uncoupling Alleviates Depressive Behaviors Through HDAC Signaling Research Background Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a globally prevalent and life-threatening mental illness, closely associated with poor physical health. Despite the availability of various treatments, including medications and psychotherapy, many patients exhibit po...

Single-Subject Cortical Morphological Brain Networks: Phenotypic Associations and Neurobiological Substrates

This paper is a study on the phenotypic associations and neurobiological bases of single-subject morphological brain networks. Combining multimodal and multiscale data, this study reveals the differences in morphological brain networks between genders, their potential as individual-specific markers, and their relationships with gene expression, lay...