Gamma Oscillations of Visual Cortex Underlying Emotion and Cognition Deficits Associated with Suicide Attempt in Major Depressive Disorder

Research on Gamma Oscillations Related to Suicidal Behavior in Patients with Depression Introduction Suicide is one of the most severe human behaviors globally, particularly prevalent among patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Studies have shown that nearly half of those who die by suicide had been diagnosed with MDD. Despite its signific...

Neurophysiological Study of Orientation Discrimination in a Working Memory Task

Neurophysiological Study: Neurophysiological Research on Orientation Discrimination in a Working Memory Task Background Recognizing and remembering the spatial orientation of the environment is a crucial component of visuospatial behavior. Accurately storing and recalling this information helps us navigate in space and respond adaptively to rapid c...

Neuronal Functional Connectivity is Impaired in a Layer-dependent Manner Near Chronically Implanted Intracortical Microelectrodes in C57BL/6 Wildtype Mice

Layer-Dependent Effects of Chronic Neural Electrode Implants on Neural Functional Connectivity in Mice Introduction This study explores the long-term effects of chronically implanted microelectrodes on neural functional connectivity within the brains of C57BL6 wild-type mice. Implanted intracerebral electrodes enable the recording and electrical st...