Mobile Iodides Capture for Highly Photolysis- and Reverse-Bias-Stable Perovskite Solar Cells

Mobile Iodine Capture Technology Enhances the Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells Background Introduction Perovskite Solar Cells (PSCs) are considered promising candidates for future photovoltaic power generation due to their high efficiency and low cost. However, the stability issues of perovskite materials themselves, particularly photolysis and ...

Regulation of Metal Bond Strength Enables Large-Scale Synthesis of Intermetallic Nanocrystals for Practical Fuel Cells

In recent years, fuel cells, as a clean and renewable energy technology, have garnered widespread attention. However, the extensive application of fuel cells faces the challenge of the stability of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) electrocatalysts. L10-structured intermetallic nanocrystals (INCs) with chemically ordered structures, due to their lowe...