Dopaminergic Psychostimulants Cause Arousal from Isoflurane-Induced Sedation Without Reversing Memory Impairment in Rats

Dopaminergic Psychostimulants Restore Arousal from Isoflurane-Induced Sedation Without Reversing Memory Impairment in Rats

Academic Background

The widespread use of anesthetic drugs in surgery allows patients to undergo treatment without pain. However, the impact of anesthetic drugs on memory has been a significant research topic in the field of anesthesiology. Isoflurane, a commonly used inhaled anesthetic, can cause memory impairment, particularly in working memory, even at low doses. Working memory is a form of short-term memory responsible for processing and storing temporary information to perform complex cognitive tasks. Although dopaminergic psychostimulants have been shown to restore arousal in anesthetized animals, it remains unclear whether they can reverse the memory impairment induced by isoflurane.

This study aimed to investigate whether dopaminergic psychostimulants could reverse the impairment of visuospatial working memory caused by low-dose isoflurane. Using a rat model, the researchers evaluated the effects of a dopamine D1 receptor agonist (chloro-APB), a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (atomoxetine), and a mixed dopamine/norepinephrine releasing agent (dextroamphetamine) on isoflurane-induced memory impairment and sedation.

Source of the Paper

The study was conducted by Michael R. Fettiplace and colleagues from the Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, Brigham Young University’s Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, and University of California, Irvine School of Medicine. The paper was published on July 3, 2024, in the British Journal of Anaesthesia, titled Dopaminergic Psychostimulants Cause Arousal from Isoflurane-Induced Sedation Without Reversing Memory Impairment in Rats.

Research Process

1. Experimental Animals and Training

The study used 16 adult Sprague-Dawley rats (8 females and 8 males), weighing between 250-300 grams. The rats were trained to perform a visuospatial working memory task called the Trial-Unique Nonmatching-to-Location (TUNL) task. This task required the rats to identify and select a new touchscreen location after a delay. Training continued until the rats achieved over 80% accuracy with a 6-second delay.

2. Isoflurane Treatment and Behavioral Testing

After training, the researchers assessed the effects of low-dose isoflurane (0.3 vol%) on task performance and activity. Isoflurane was administered via an induction chamber for 45 minutes, after which the rats were transferred to a testing chamber containing 0.25-0.35 vol% isoflurane for behavioral testing. Activity levels were assessed by the number of infrared beam breaks during the testing period.

3. Drug Interventions

In some experiments, the researchers administered a dopamine D1 receptor agonist (chloro-APB), a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (atomoxetine), and a mixed dopamine/norepinephrine releasing agent (dextroamphetamine) via tail vein injection to evaluate the effects of these drugs on task performance and activity under continuous isoflurane inhalation.

4. Data Analysis

The study used GraphPad Prism 10 and IBM SPSS for statistical analysis, evaluating the effects of isoflurane, delay time, and sex on task performance and activity. Data were analyzed using psychometric curve fitting and linear mixed-effects models.

Key Findings

1. Effects of Isoflurane on Working Memory

Low-dose isoflurane significantly impaired visuospatial working memory, as evidenced by a decrease in task accuracy and activity levels. This memory impairment was independent of sex and delay time and was rapidly reversible within 15 minutes of discontinuing isoflurane.

2. Effects of Dopaminergic Psychostimulants

Although dopaminergic psychostimulants (e.g., chloro-APB and dextroamphetamine) restored activity levels to baseline, they did not reverse the working memory impairment induced by isoflurane. This suggests that isoflurane-induced sedation and memory impairment have distinct mechanisms and can be independently antagonized.

3. Comparison of Anesthetic Induction and Recovery

The study found no significant differences in task performance between anesthetic induction and recovery, indicating that the effects of isoflurane on working memory are reversible and do not persist after anesthesia.


This study used the TUNL task to assess the effects of low-dose isoflurane on visuospatial working memory and found that dopaminergic psychostimulants restored arousal but did not reverse memory impairment. This finding suggests that isoflurane-induced sedation and memory impairment have distinct neural mechanisms and can be independently modulated through different pharmacological pathways. The results provide new insights into the neural mechanisms of anesthetic drugs and offer a theoretical basis for developing safer anesthetic strategies.

Research Highlights

  1. Key Finding: Dopaminergic psychostimulants can restore arousal from isoflurane-induced sedation but do not reverse memory impairment, indicating that sedation and memory impairment have distinct neural mechanisms.
  2. Methodological Innovation: The study used the TUNL task combined with touchscreen technology and infrared beam break detection to simultaneously assess memory and activity levels.
  3. Application Value: The results provide new insights into the neural mechanisms of anesthetic drugs and may help develop safer anesthetic strategies to reduce the risk of postoperative cognitive dysfunction.

Additional Valuable Information

The study also suggested that future research could explore the role of non-dopaminergic psychostimulants (e.g., caffeine and cholinergic drugs) in cognitive recovery after anesthesia. Additionally, the study highlighted the impact of anesthetic dose and exposure duration on memory impairment, suggesting that the use of anesthetic drugs should be carefully controlled in clinical practice.

Through this study, the researchers revealed the distinct mechanisms by which isoflurane affects memory and arousal, providing important theoretical support for the field of anesthesiology. Future research can build on these findings to further explore the neural mechanisms of anesthetic drugs and optimize anesthetic strategies to reduce the incidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction.