Forest Tree Virome as a Source of Tree Diseases and Biological Control Agents

Forest Tree Virome as a Source of Tree Diseases and Biological Control Academic Background The health of forest ecosystems is crucial for global ecological balance and economic development. However, the health of forest trees is threatened by various pathogens, including fungi, oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, as well as insect and nematode pests. Alt...

The Lifetime Risk of Surgery in England: A Nationwide Observational Cohort Study

Lifetime Risk of Surgery in England: A Nationwide Observational Cohort Study Academic Background Surgery represents a significant portion of the UK National Health Service (NHS) activity, with approximately 4.4 million people undergoing surgical procedures in England each year. Although an increasing number of surgeries are performed as day-case pr...

Distribution and Outcomes of Paediatric Anaesthesia Services in Sweden: An Epidemiological Study

Distribution and Outcomes of Paediatric Anaesthesia Services in Sweden: An Epidemiological Study Academic Background In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards the centralization of perioperative care for children globally, particularly in European countries. This trend is primarily driven by research findings from professional organiz...

Toward Optimal Disease Surveillance with Graph-Based Active Learning

Toward Optimal Disease Surveillance with Graph-Based Active Learning Academic Background With the acceleration of globalization, the speed and scope of infectious disease transmission have significantly increased. How to effectively monitor and control the spread of infectious diseases has become a critical issue in public health. Traditional disea...

Autoimmune Conditions and Gastric Cancer Risk in a Population-Based Study in the United Kingdom

The Relationship Between Autoimmune Diseases and Gastric Cancer Risk in the British Population Background Introduction Despite the overall incidence of gastric cancer has declined over the past few decades, the incidence of gastric cancer among young people in some Western countries has increased in recent years. This trend may be related to the in...

Epidemiology of Intimate Partner and Domestic Violence-Related Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States

Epidemiological Study of Intimate Partner and Domestic Violence-Related Traumatic Brain Injuries in the United States from 2018-2021 Background Intimate partner violence (IPV) and domestic violence (DV) have severe medical, social, and legal consequences for victims. These violent events often result in traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), further exac...