A Missense Variant in AIFM1 Caused Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Intolerance to Riboflavin Deficiency

Missense Mutation in AIFM1 Gene Leads to Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Riboflavin Deficiency Intolerance Research Background Mitochondria are double-membrane organelles found in eukaryotic cells with nuclei, primarily producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through oxidative phosphorylation to provide cellular energy. Mitochondria have their own gen...

MAIT Cells Monitor Intestinal Dysbiosis and Contribute to Host Protection During Colitis

MAIT Cells Monitor Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis and Protect the Host in Colitis Research Background As research on the relationship between the gut and host health deepens, changes in the gut microbiome are closely related to various human diseases, especially inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Currently, it is recognized that under homeostatic conditio...