Controlling the Spectral Persistence of a Random Laser

Controlling the Spectral Persistence of a Random Laser Research Background Since their theoretical proposal by Letokhov in the 1960s, Random Lasers (hereinafter referred to as RLs) have gradually become a widely researched field. A significant feature of RLs is that they do not require precisely manufactured optical cavities, which gives them consi...

Pound–Drever–Hall Feedforward: Laser Phase Noise Suppression Beyond Feedback

Special Report: Pound–Drever–Hall Feedforward Technique: Laser Phase Noise Suppression Beyond Feedback Authors: Yu-Xin Chao, Zhen-Xing Hua, Xin-Hui Liang, Zong-Pei Yue, Li You, Meng Khoon Tey Institution: State Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Physics, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Journal: Optica Publication D...

Ultra-Narrow-Linewidth Hybrid-Integrated Self-Injection Locked Laser at 780 nm

Research Report on Hybrid Integrated Ultra-Narrow Linewidth Self-Injection Locking 780nm Laser Background In modern technology, narrow linewidth lasers play an essential role in various applications, including classical and quantum sensing, ion trap systems, positioning/navigation/timing systems, optical clocks, and microwave frequency synthesizers...

Mode-locked Waveguide Polariton Laser

Research Report on the Realization of Blue-Ultraviolet Light Mode-Locking by Polariton Waveguides In the field of modern optoelectronics, continuous advancements in laser technology have greatly propelled the development of information technology, biomedicine, and industrial processing, among other sectors. Mode-locked laser technology, in particul...

On-Demand Orbital Angular Momentum Comb from a Digital Laser

Requirement for Orbital Angular Momentum Comb Modes in Digital Lasers Research Background and Significance With the rapid advancement of information technology, the demand for high-capacity data transmission has become increasingly stringent. Orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light, due to its inherently infinite dimensions, is considered a potenti...

Electrically Engineering Synthetic Magnetic Fields for Polarized Photons

Research Report: Electrically Controlled Engineering of Synthetic Magnetic Fields in Polarized Photons Academic Background and Research Purpose In recent years, synthetic gauge theory has shown its potential in controlling the propagation of light and its state evolution in non-magnetic photonic systems. However, the synthetic magnetic fields gener...

Long-baseline Quantum Sensor Network as Dark Matter Haloscope

Long-baseline Quantum Sensor Network as a Dark Matter Haloscope Academic Background Ultralight dark photons, as one of the significant candidates for dark matter, have attracted extensive theoretical and experimental attention. According to the kinetic mixing mechanism, when dark photons couple with standard model photons, coherent electromagnetic ...

Four-Channel Optically Pumped Magnetometer for a Magnetoencephalography Sensor Array

Four-Channel Optically Pumped Magnetometer for a Magnetoencephalography Sensor Array

Four-Channel Optically Pumped Magnetometer for MEG Sensor Arrays Background Optically Pumped Magnetometers (OPMs) operating in the Spin-Exchange Relaxation-Free (SERF) regime are highly sensitive magnetic field sensors, with sensitivities as low as 0.16 ft/√Hz and 0.54 ft/√Hz. OPMs are based on the interaction between spin-polarized atoms and magne...

Evidence for Electron–Hole Crystals in a Mott Insulator

Background In recent years, researchers have shown significant interest in electron-hole crystals within Mott insulators. These types of crystals can achieve quantum excited states, have the potential to support counterflow superfluidity and topological order, and possess long-range quantum entanglement characteristics. However, experimental eviden...

Non-thermal Phonon Dynamics and a Quenched Exciton Condensate Probed by Surface-Sensitive Electron Diffraction

Non-Thermal Phonon Dynamics and Excitonic Condensed States Probed by Surface-Sensitive Electron Diffraction Background Introduction The interaction between excitons and phonons determines the energy flow in photo-excited materials and controls the emergence of related phases. With the advancement of materials science, electron or X-ray pulse techni...