Condensate-Promoting ENL Mutation Drives Tumorigenesis In Vivo Through Dynamic Regulation Of Histone Modifications And Gene Expression

Title Page

Scientific Paper Report: ENL Mutations Driving Tumor Development

This scientific paper, written by Yiman Liu, Qinglan Li, Lele Song, et al., mainly investigates the role of ENL protein mutations in tumor development. This study was published in the 2024 issue of the journal Cancer Discovery.


Precise control of gene expression is critical for normal development and tissue homeostasis. If this process deviates, it could lead to various diseases, especially cancer. Recently, the formation mechanisms of transcriptional condensates and their role in gene regulation have garnered broad attention. These condensates are formed through multivalent weak interactions involving proteins and nucleic acids. However, their specific biological functions in physiologically relevant in vivo environments remain unclear.

ENL protein mutations in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and Wilms’ tumors are believed to drive condensate formation and gene activation. Nevertheless, their role in tumor development is not fully understood.

Research Objective

The research aims to elucidate the specific functions of ENL mutations in transcriptional regulation and tumor development. It also explores strategies to treat cancer by targeting pathogenic condensates.

Research Process and Methods

Animal Experiments

The research team used a conditional knock-in mouse model to study the function of ENL mutations. This model focuses on a key mutation in the ENL protein (T1 mutation), frequently found in Wilms’ tumors and AML. The mice were divided into two groups: one expressing mutant ENL protein (ENL-T1) and the other expressing wild-type ENL protein (ENL-WT).

Flow Cytometry and Morphological Analysis

Using flow cytometry, they analyzed the distribution and status of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) in the bone marrow and observed tissue pathological changes through tissue sections, such as leukemia cell distribution in the bone marrow, spleen, and other organs.

RNA-seq and Epigenomic Analysis

Through RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and CUT&Tag technology, the study examined gene expression patterns and histone modification changes in mouse bone marrow cells. It focused on H3K27ac (histone acetylation) and H3K27me3 (histone trimethylation) modifications in HSPCs.

Drug Resistance Experiment

The study also tested a small molecule inhibitor, TDI-11055, which can block the acetyl-binding activity of ENL to verify its effect on ENL mutant condensates and its potential therapeutic efficacy.

Research Results

ENL Mutation Induces AML

The study showed that ENL-T1 mice rapidly developed aggressive AML. The mutant ENL protein formed discrete nuclear condensates in HSPCs and accumulated at key leukemia gene loci (such as Hoxa cluster genes). These mice exhibited significant spleen enlargement and increased white blood cell counts, with normal hematopoiesis in the bone marrow replaced by leukemia cells. Additionally, there was substantial infiltration of leukemia cells in the spleen, liver, and lungs.

Epigenetic Regulation

Epigenomic analysis revealed that ENL mutations reprogrammed the transcriptional landscape of hematopoietic cells by altering H3K27ac and H3K27me3 modifications. Specifically, ENL-T1 caused enrichment of H3K27ac and P300 (histone acetyltransferase), significantly affecting gene expression in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, particularly those related to development and inflammation.

Inhibitor Validation

The small molecule inhibitor TDI-11055 successfully blocked the accumulation of ENL mutants at genomic target sites and reduced H3K27ac and P300 levels, thereby effectively decreasing the expression of these genes. This inhibition significantly delayed the progression of AML and greatly improved the mice’s survival rates.

Conclusion and Significance

This study reveals the functional mechanisms of ENL mutations in chromatin regulation and tumor development, proving these mutations to be bona fide oncogenic drivers. The research also shows that interfering with transcriptional condensates formed by ENL mutations can significantly inhibit the development of AML, offering a promising therapeutic strategy.


  1. Oncogenicity of ENL Mutations: This study is the first to demonstrate the strong oncogenicity of ENL mutations in vivo.
  2. Mechanisms of Chromatin Regulation: The research reveals that ENL mutations affect gene expression by altering histone modifications.
  3. Potential of Small Molecule Inhibitors: TDI-11055 showcases the potential of targeting ENL mutations to treat AML, paving a new direction for therapy.


This study provides crucial scientific evidence for understanding the role of condensates in tumorigenesis and exploring new therapeutic approaches. Specifically, regulating cancer-related transcriptional condensates offers new insights and possibilities for future cancer treatment.