A Lactate-SREBP2 Signaling Axis Drives Tolerogenic Dendritic Cell Maturation and Promotes Cancer Progression

Cancer Immunology Lactate-SREBP2 Signaling Axis-Driven Tolerogenic Dendritic Cell Maturation and Its Role in Promoting Cancer Progression Background In cancer, conventional dendritic cells (DCs) are key mediators of anti-tumor immunity. However, cancer has evolved mechanisms that render DCs ineffective in the tumor microenvironment (TME), and these...

Genome-Wide Repeat Landscapes in Cancer and Cell-Free DNA

Genome-Wide Repeat Landscapes in Cancer and Cell-Free DNA

A Panoramic View of Whole Genome Repetitive Sequences in Cancer and Circulating Free DNA Research Background and Significance Throughout the development of cancer and other diseases, genetic changes in repetitive sequences within the genome are a significant characteristic. However, standard sequencing methods struggle to effectively characterize t...

ARID1A orchestrates SWI/SNF-mediated sequential binding of transcription factors with ARID1A loss driving pre-memory B cell fate and lymphomagenesis

ARID1A Loss and B Cell Fate and Lymphoma Occurrence Background Introduction This paper investigates the critical role of ARID1A (AT-Rich Interactive Domain 1A) in B cell fate determination and lymphoma occurrence. ARID1A is an important subunit of the BRG1/Brahma-associated factors (BAF) complex, with mutations commonly found in various human malig...

Comprehensive Peripheral Blood Immunoprofiling Reveals Five Immunotypes with Immunotherapy Response Characteristics in Patients with Cancer

Research Report on the Analysis of Immunological Characteristics of Peripheral Blood in Cancer Patients Cancer is a major and pervasive health problem globally. Despite significant advances in cancer treatment in recent years, many challenges remain, including how to accurately predict patients’ responses to various treatments. Immunotherapy, parti...