Intracranial electroencephalography reveals effector-independent evidence accumulation dynamics in multiple human brain regions

Academic News Report: Revealing Effector-Independent Evidence Accumulation Dynamics from Intracranial Electrophysiological Recordings

Research Background

The neural mechanisms underlying the decision-making process have long been a significant topic in neuroscience. Previous studies have indicated that it is possible to identify neural signals related to perceptual decision-making in humans using non-invasive electrophysiological techniques. These signals can be processed abstractly, independent of specific motor requirements. However, the precise origins of these signals in the brain remain unclear. To understand this issue, the present study employed high spatiotemporal precision intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) technology to locate the sources of these abstract decision signals.

Paper Source

This article, titled “intracranial electroencephalography reveals effector-independent evidence accumulation dynamics in multiple human brain regions,” was published in the April 2024 issue of Nature Human Behaviour (Volume 8). The main authors include Sabina Gherman, Noah Markowitz, Gelana Tostaeva, Elizabeth Espinal, Ashesh D. Mehta, Redmond G. O’Connell, Simon P. Kelly, and Stephan Bickel. The authors are from Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, Northwell Health, Manhasset, NY, USA; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Hofstra/Northwell, Hempstead, NY, USA; and University College Dublin, Ireland. The initial manuscript was received on April 21, 2023, accepted on January 10, 2024, and published online on February 16, 2024.

Research Process

Experimental Design

The subjects of the study were patients undergoing invasive electrophysiological monitoring for epilepsy. Subjects were asked to judge the direction of random dot stimuli and respond either by quickly pressing a button (n=24) or through a vocal response after a random delay (n=12).

  1. Manual Response Task: Participants reported their choice (direction) by pressing a button within a 2,000 ms timeframe.
  2. Vocal Response Task: Participants reported their choice vocally after a visual prompt.

In the trials, random dots appeared simultaneously on the left and right sides of the screen at either high or low coherence levels. Subjects needed to quickly and accurately report the direction of dot movement. The study analyzed changes in high-frequency brain activity (high-frequency activity, HFA) and how these changes were modulated by the strength of sensory evidence, as well as how they predicted the accuracy and reaction time of the subjects’ choices.

Data Recording and Processing

Brain activity was recorded using iEEG as participants performed the tasks. Electrodes exhibiting characteristics of evidence accumulation signals were selected, and their high-frequency activities were analyzed in relation to behavioral responses. Consistent with abstract evidence accumulation, dynamic changes were found in multiple brain regions, including the prefrontal cortex, parietal lobe, inferior temporal lobe, and insular cortex.

Analysis Methods

The study first identified electrode contacts that showed significant increases in high-frequency activity during task responses. The activities of these task-responsive nodes were classified in detail to assess whether they conformed to characteristics of abstract evidence accumulation, and further analyzed their relationship with behavioral decisions.

Main Results

  1. Behavioral Performance: High evidence strength (high coherence) significantly improved choice accuracy and shortened reaction times, indicating that the strength of perceptual evidence directly affects behavioral decisions.

  2. HFA Dynamics: High-frequency activity significantly increased in many brain regions during task response, consistent with abstract evidence accumulation. These activities were independent of specific response actions (effectors), showing gradual enhancement with increased evidence strength, and this enhancement persisted in the vocal response task.

  3. Spatial Distribution of Electrode Contacts: Electrodes exhibiting characteristics of abstract evidence accumulation were primarily distributed in the prefrontal cortex, parietal lobe, inferior temporal lobe, and insular cortex, indicating broad spatial coverage.

  4. Behavioral Correlation: The amplitude of abstract decision-related high-frequency activity just before the response varied with the strength of perceptual evidence and reaction speed. Slower and less accurate decisions were based on less accumulated evidence.


Research Value

This study provides new insights into how the brain supports effector-independent perceptual decisions and maps out extensive neural network involvement. Through high-precision iEEG recordings, the study revealed the roles of multiple brain regions in abstract evidence accumulation, laying an essential foundation for future decision-making research.

Scientific and Application Value

One of the significant findings of this study is the identification of a broadly distributed neural network related to abstract decision-making, marking a crucial advance in decision research. This study not only lays the foundation for understanding how the human brain undertakes abstract decisions but also provides inspiration for developing new neuroscientific research methods.

Research Highlights and Innovations

  1. Broadly Distributed Neural Network: The discovery of neural activity related to abstract evidence accumulation distributed across multiple brain regions.
  2. High Spatiotemporal Precision: The use of high-precision iEEG technology provided more detailed spatial and temporal information.
  3. Behavioral Correlation Analysis: By correlating brain activity with behavioral responses, the study revealed the dynamic characteristics of evidence accumulation.

Research Significance

This study not only advances theoretical understanding of human decision-making mechanisms but also has potential practical applications in improving diagnosis and treatment strategies for neurological diseases, especially those involving perceptual and decision-making processes. By delving into the brain’s operation in abstract decision-making, this research offers vital references for future neuroscience studies and suggests potential clinical applications.