Amelioration of astrocyte-mediated neuroinflammation by EI-16004 confers neuroprotection in an MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease model

Alleviating Effect of EI-16004 on Astrocyte-Mediated Neuroinflammation in MPTP-Induced Parkinson’s Disease Model Background Introduction Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder primarily affecting the elderly, characterized by tremors, bradykinesia, rigidity, and loss of postural reflexes, mainly due to the loss of dopaminergic neu...

Effect of Clemizole on Alpha-Synuclein-Preformed Fibrils-Induced Parkinson’s Disease Pathology: A Pharmacological Investigation

Effect of Clemizole on Alpha-Synuclein-Preformed Fibrils-Induced Parkinson’s Disease Pathology: A Pharmacological Investigation

Effects of Clemizole on Parkinson’s Disease Pathology Induced by α-Synuclein Fibril Formation Background Introduction Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a typical neurodegenerative disease, mainly associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. However, current therapeutic approaches targeting these pathological events have not successfull...

DNA methylation patterns in the frontal lobe white matter of multiple system atrophy, Parkinson’s disease, and progressive supranuclear palsy: a cross-comparative investigation

Cross-Comparative Study of DNA Methylation Patterns in the Frontal Lobe White Matter of Multiple System Atrophy, Parkinson’s Disease, and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Academic Background Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) is a rare neurodegenerative disease characterized by neuronal loss and gliosis, accompanied by glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCIs) ...

Distinguishing Parkinsonian Rest Tremor from Voluntary Hand Movements through Subthalamic and Cortical Activity

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder characterized mainly by resting tremor, bradykinesia, and rigidity. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) has been widely used to treat the motor symptoms of PD (Krauss et al., 2021). However, DBS treatment also has significant side effects, most of which are caused by the extension of stimulat...