Simulation Study Suggests Masks Can Become More Effective When Fewer People Wear Them

The Relationship Between Mask Effectiveness and Population Coverage Rates

Background and Research Motivation

During the COVID-19 pandemic, non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) such as social distancing, mask-wearing, and test-trace-isolate strategies were widely applied to control the spread of the virus. Despite a large body of empirical research indicating that these measures effectively controlled virus transmission, the academic community has not yet reached a consensus on their specific quantitative effects. The heterogeneity in effectiveness can be explained by many situational factors, such as geographical, cultural, socio-economic, and healthcare behaviors.

Social behavioral research indicates that individuals’ adherence to NPIs changes significantly over time. Even without official policy changes, the acceptance of protective behaviors such as mask-wearing can decline. Especially after vaccines became widely administered and the Omicron variant became dominant, many countries relaxed or removed mask mandates. It is noteworthy that individual behaviors and attitudes often cluster within social networks, further reinforcing mask-wearing behavior during the pandemic.

Research Origin and Author Information

This study was authored and published by Peter Klimek, Katharina Ledebur, and Stefan Thurner, among others. The research institutions involved include the Section for Science of Complex Systems at the Medical University of Vienna, the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, the Austrian Institute of Technology, the Division of Insurance Medicine at the Karolinska Institutet, and the Santa Fe Institute. The article was published in 2024 in the journal “Communications Medicine.”

Research Process and Methods

Research Process

The study employed mathematical modeling methods, constructing a simplified network model to analyze the effects of mask-wearing at different population coverage rates. The model is based on the following two core assumptions: 1. Adherence to protective behaviors (such as mask-wearing) decreases over time. 2. Individuals’ protective behaviors are associated with their close social relationships (homophily).

First, the model incorporates a “susceptible-infected-recovered” (SIR) dynamic on a social contact network. All individuals start in a susceptible state, with a small portion being infected. The probability of becoming infected through contact is calculated based on whether the individual and their contacts are wearing masks. Over time, the model simulates the spread of the epidemic under different mask coverage rates.

Experimental Setup

In the model, individuals are divided into two groups: those willing and those unwilling to adopt protective behaviors. Each time step calculates individual infection and its impact on the overall development of the epidemic. To account for homophily, a small-world network with a homophily parameter (η) is used for the contact network.

The study conducted numerous parameter-setting simulation experiments, analyzing how different coverage rates, homophily parameters, and network connectivity factors influence the spread of the epidemic.

Results and Findings

Key Results

Simulation results indicate that although it is generally believed that having more people wear masks can more effectively prevent transmission, in some cases, individuals wearing masks actually face increased infection risks with higher coverage rates. Specifically, at a 10% mask-wearing coverage rate, individual infection risk is reduced by nearly 30%, whereas at a 60% coverage rate, this number is only 5% to 15%.

Analysis and Interpretation

This counterintuitive phenomenon is termed the “small coverage effect.” When only a few people wear masks, the epidemic might end among those not wearing masks, while the group wearing masks remains protected and at lower risk. However, when a majority wears masks, because more people gradually stop wearing masks, the virus still has opportunities to spread, extending the epidemic and making initial mask-wearers more susceptible to infection.

Specific Data and Experimental Results

Under different coverage rates, the peak and duration of the epidemic’s spread curve vary. At lower coverage rates, the epidemic peak decreases, but the duration is shorter. At medium coverage rates, mask-wearers face the highest infection risk, but as coverage rates continue to increase, the risk starts to decline. When coverage rates exceed 80%, the epidemic either quickly subsides or resurges after mask-wearing ceases.

The homophily parameter (η) and the small-world network parameter (ϵ) significantly influence the results. The small coverage effect is most noticeable under high homophily and low random connections, where individual infection risk is reduced by about 20-25%. As the degree of mixing (decreasing η) increases, infection risk decreases.

Simulation Robustness

The simulations showed varied performances of the small coverage effect across different combinations of transmission rate (α), network degree (k), and decline rates of adherence (q). When the transmission rate or network degree is low, the epidemic is suppressed. However, near certain parameter critical values, the small coverage effect has the most significant influence.

Conclusion and Significance

This study challenges conventional beliefs by suggesting that in some cases, having a small number of people wear masks can effectively reduce individual infection risks, while relaxing mask reliance is often associated with prolonged epidemics. Therefore, although more people should wear masks from a public health perspective, individuals should still recognize the importance of wearing masks at low coverage rates. This implies that when evaluating the effectiveness of interventions, distinguishing between individual and collective effects is necessary.

This study not only provides new insights into epidemiological modeling and public health policy formulation but also emphasizes the importance of continued adoption of protective behaviors in response to future similar pandemics.