Clonal Lineage Tracing with Recordable Barcodes Reveals Migration Histories of Metastatic Prostate Cancer

title: “Utilizing Clonal Lineage Tracing with Recordable Barcodes Unveils the Migration History of Prostate Cancer Metastasis” author: Ryan N. Serio, Armin Scheben, *Billy Lu, *Domenic V. Gargiulo, Lucrezia Patruno, Caroline L. Buckholtz, Ryan J. Chaffee, Megan C. Jibilian, Steven G. Persaud, Stephen J. Staklinski, Rebecca Hassett, Lise M. Brault, ...

Programming Tumor Evolution with Selection Gene Drives to Proactively Combat Drug Resistance

Engineering Selective Gene Drives to Steer Tumor Evolution to Counteract Drug Resistance As tumors evolve, targeted therapies against cancer often fail due to the evolution of drug resistance. This study demonstrates a way to manipulate tumor evolution repeatedly to design therapeutic opportunities, even in the presence of genetic heterogeneity. We...

Crowd-sourced Benchmarking of Single-sample Tumor Subclonal Reconstruction

Single-Sample Tumor Subclonal Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Crowd-Sourced Resources Background The evolution of cancer and the genetic heterogeneity of tumors are critical fields in modern oncology research. Tumors evolve from normal cells through progressive acquisition of somatic mutations. These mutations occur probabilistically, influenced ...