Characteristics of the Structural Connectivity in Patients with Brain Injury and Chronic Health Symptoms: A Pilot Study

Study on Structural Connectivity Characteristics in Patients with Brain Injury and Chronic Health Symptoms

Academic Background

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is one of the leading causes of post-traumatic death and disability. Even mild to moderate TBIs can result in a complex cluster of symptoms known as “post-concussion syndrome,” which includes headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and various cognitive, sensory, and emotional symptoms. One of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms is Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI), believed to cause disconnections between brain networks, thereby disrupting their integrity. However, detecting and assessing DAI poses a challenge due to the limitations of traditional CT or MRI imaging in revealing these injuries.

In recent years, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), a non-invasive imaging method, has proven very useful in investigating the subtle disruptions in brain structural integrity and network properties. Studies have shown that structural and functional connectivity analysis using DTI is widely applied in evaluating network connectivity across different levels of brain injury.

Research Source

This study, titled “Characteristics of the Structural Connectivity in Patients with Brain Injury and Chronic Health Symptoms: A Pilot Study,” is authored by Xiaojian Kang, Byung C. Yoon, Emily Grossner, Maheen M. Adamson, and others from VA Palo Alto Health Care System and Stanford University School of Medicine. It was published in the 2024 issue of the journal Neuroinformatics.

Research Objectives and Methods

The primary objective of this study is to determine whether DTI-based structural connectivity analysis can detect differences in brain white matter connectivity between brain injury patients (with or without chronic symptoms) and healthy controls. Identifying these imaging characteristics is of significant clinical importance for the prognosis and management of brain injury patients.

Research Process

The study included 46 participants, comprising 13 healthy controls (CG) and 33 patients with mild to severe brain injuries. Among the 33 patients, 17 reported chronic symptoms (TBICS), while 16 did not report chronic symptoms (TBINCS). These participants underwent detailed clinical interviews to collect information on their brain injury history and chronic symptoms.

Imaging data were obtained using a GE 3T Discovery MR750 scanner, including high-resolution T1-weighted imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). Data processing used the FreeSurfer 7.0 software package for anatomical image preprocessing, including intensity normalization, image segmentation, and surface registration.

DTI data processing utilized the MRtrix3 software package, involving steps such as noise removal, Gibbs artifact removal, distortion correction, and bias correction. Structural connectivity (SC) and mean fractional anisotropy (MFA) connectivity matrices were generated.

Data Analysis

Network-based statistical (NBS) methods were used to compare SC and MFA between different groups at the nodal level, with permutation testing. Additionally, differences in contralateral versus ipsilateral connections were calculated to study the response of the entire brain functional network to injury.

Main Results

Differences in Structural Connectivity (SC) and Mean Fractional Anisotropy (MFA)

Significant reductions in SC and MFA were found between the TBICS group and the CG group, but not between the TBINCS group and the CG group. Specifically, the TBICS group showed lower SC in eight ipsilateral connections and three contralateral connections, and significantly lower MFA in 27 different connections. These results suggest that chronic symptoms are closely related to reduced brain network connectivity and changes in white matter structure.

Contralateral and Ipsilateral Connections

All participants showed significantly reduced SC in contralateral connections compared to ipsilateral connections, but the TBICS and TBINCS groups had higher MFA in contralateral connections than the CG group. Certain brain regions (e.g., frontal lobe and insula) showed stronger contralateral connections, indicating these areas might play important roles in network reorganization post-injury.


The study results demonstrate the relationship between brain injury and structural connectivity and diffusion characteristics, suggesting these imaging features may be related to long-term symptoms associated with mild brain injury. Particularly in the TBICS group, reduced network connectivity and fractional anisotropy between multiple anatomical regions might help detect subtle brain injuries and predict clinical outcomes.

Research Significance

This study indicates that structural connectivity and diffusion characteristics can serve as potential imaging markers for chronic TBI-related symptoms, as traditional CT and MRI often fail to reveal TBI-related white matter damage. DTI measurements taken in the acute to subacute period can help predict functional outcomes and provide optimized management and treatment plans for TBI victims.

Moreover, this method may be applicable to the pathophysiological study of other neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. These findings provide direction for future research to explore whether specific connectivity changes make TBI patients more susceptible to various neurodegenerative diseases.

Research Highlights

The main highlight of this study is its identification of unique imaging features in chronic symptom TBI patients, showcasing the potential of structural connectivity analysis in detecting and evaluating subtle brain injuries. Although the sample size is relatively small, the findings lay the foundation for future larger-scale longitudinal studies that could significantly impact the prognosis and management of TBI patients.

Limitations and Prospects

This study has several limitations, such as the participants’ past medical history potentially influencing the results, gender imbalance across groups, and the relatively small sample size. Additionally, comparing imaging quality and different connectivity studies poses challenges. Future research should consider larger-scale samples, longer-term longitudinal studies, and categorizing different types of brain injuries for a more comprehensive understanding of TBI’s long-term effects.