Hyperglycemia Enhances Brain Susceptibility to Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Neuroinflammation via Astrocyte Reprogramming

Hyperglycemia Enhances Brain Susceptibility to Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Neuroinflammation via Astrocyte Reprogramming Academic Background Introduction Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease affecting millions of people worldwide, characterized by hyperglycemia, or elevated blood glucose levels. For a long time, research has primarily focused on ...

Neonatal Respiratory Infection Causes Neuroinflammation in the Brainstem

Neonatal Respiratory Infections Lead to Brainstem Neuroinflammation Introduction Respiratory infections are one of the most common diseases and causes of morbidity among newborns. During the acute phase, infections are known to cause widespread peripheral inflammation. However, the effect of this inflammation on the critical neural centers that con...

Aberrant CHCHD2-Associated Mitochondriopathy in Kii ALS/PDC Astrocytes

Study Report on Abnormal CHCHD2-Related Mitochondrial Pathology in Astrocytes in Kii ALS/PDC I. Research Background Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/Parkinsonism-dementia complex (ALS/PDC) is a rare and complex neurodegenerative disorder primarily observed in Western Pacific islands such as Japan, Guam, and Papua New Guinea. Patients with this disease...

Vagus Nerve Stimulation Enhances Remyelination and Decreases Innate Neuroinflammation in Lysolecithin-Induced Demyelination

Comprehensive Academic Report on Scientific Paper Research Background Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory and degenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS), affecting approximately 2.8 million people worldwide. The pathological mechanisms of this disease are mainly related to autoimmune-mediated demyelination and axonal transectio...

Astrocyte-Secreted Neurocan Controls Inhibitory Synapse Formation and Function

Astrocyte-Secreted Neurocan Controls Inhibitory Synapse Formation and Function

Astrocytes Secrete Neurocan to Control Inhibitory Synapse Formation and Function In recent years, the role of neuron-glial cell interactions in synapse formation and maintenance of synaptic function has become a hot topic in neuroscience research. This paper, published by Dolores Irala et al. from Duke University Medical Center in the May 2024 issu...