Revisiting Distinct Nerve Excitability Patterns in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

“Revisiting Distinct Nerve Excitability Patterns in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis”

Academic Background

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating neurodegenerative disease characterized by the progressive loss of central and peripheral motor neurons. Although the disease is clinically and genetically heterogeneous, axonal hyperexcitability is a commonly observed phenomenon, considered to be an early pathophysiological step in the neurodegenerative process. Therefore, elucidating the mechanisms leading to axonal hyperexcitability and its relationship with patients’ clinical characteristics is particularly important. Peripheral nerve excitability measurements are directly derived from nerve excitability recordings, although their biophysical basis is difficult to infer. Mathematical models can help interpret these data but are only reliable when applied to group-averaged recordings, limiting their application at the individual patient level. To address these challenges, this study employed a new pattern analysis method (Principal Component Analysis) to revisit nerve excitability in ALS patients, assess disease-specific excitability change patterns, and establish their biophysical origins.

Research Source

This paper was written by Diederik J. L. Stikvoort García, H. Stephan Goedee, Ruben P. A. van Eijk, Leonard J. van Schelven, Leonard H. van den Berg, and Boudewijn T. H. M. Sleutjes from the Departments of Neurology and Biostatistics & Research Support, and Medical Technology & Clinical Physics at the University Medical Centre Utrecht. The study was published online in the journal “Brain” on April 25, 2024.

Research Details

Research Process

This study aimed to identify ALS-specific excitability patterns and their biophysical origins through Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and to develop new composite excitability measures for implementation in clinical settings. The research team prospectively recruited patients suspected of having motor neuron disease when they were first diagnosed at outpatient clinics. Exclusion criteria included cognitive impairment that might affect compliance, incidental active neuropathies, and patients using medications that alter nerve excitability (such as Riluzole).

The study was conducted through the following steps: 1. Preprocessing and Setup: Subjects’ arms were preheated for 30 minutes using a warm water blanket, maintained at 37°C to reduce temperature-induced variations. QTRAC software was used to record compound muscle action potentials (CMAP). 2. Nerve Excitability Recording: Various excitability tests were performed, including strength-duration test, threshold electrotonus, current-threshold relationship, and recovery cycle. These tests produced 142 measurements for subsequent analysis. 3. Data Analysis: Nerve excitability measurements were standardized using linear regression models to eliminate confounding factors such as age, gender, and other physiological variations; PCA method was used to identify independent and distinctive excitability patterns; established mathematical models were used to explore the biophysical origins of the observed excitability changes.

Research Results

The study included 161 ALS patients (median disease duration of 11 months) and 50 age- and gender-matched controls. The research found that excitability changes in ALS patients manifested in four distinct patterns, explained by resting membrane potential (regulated by Na+/K+ currents), slow potassium currents and sodium currents (regulated by their gating kinetics), and nerve refractoriness. Additionally, the study showed that changes in slow potassium channel gating were associated with disease progression rate as measured by the ALS Functional Rating Scale.

Specific results are as follows: 1. Excitability Patterns: Through PCA analysis, the study identified four main excitability patterns (PC1-4), explaining 36%, 18%, 10%, and 9% of the overall variation, respectively. PC1 pattern was mainly associated with severe muscle axon hyperpolarization; PC2 pattern was related to the gating kinetics of slow potassium channels, reflecting the rate of disease progression; PC3 and PC4 patterns were mainly related to sodium channel properties and changes in recovery cycle. 2. Biophysical Origins: Using mathematical model simulations and parameter adjustments, the study determined the three main biophysical determinants for each PC pattern. PC1 was related to membrane potential, PC2 to the activation slope of slow potassium channels, PC3 to sodium current and transient sodium channel behavior, and PC4 to recovery cycle changes.

Research Conclusions and Significance

This study revealed four distinct patterns of nerve excitability changes in ALS patients, each with unique biophysical origins. Through new analytical methods, the study provided evidence suggesting that changes in slow potassium channel function may play a role in the rate of disease progression. Quantification of these patterns (through similar methods or new composite measurements) has the potential to serve as an efficient assessment tool for directly studying membrane properties in ALS patients, thereby assisting in prediction stratification and trial design.

Research Highlights

  1. Key Findings: Established and explained four distinct excitability patterns in ALS patients and their biophysical basis.
  2. Correlation: Found that changes in slow potassium channel gating are associated with disease progression rate, which will aid in more precise disease progression prediction.
  3. New Method: Proposed new composite measurement methods for practical application in clinical settings, improving the efficiency of nerve excitability testing.
  4. Uniqueness: First use of PCA method for in-depth analysis of nerve excitability changes in ALS, combined with mathematical models to provide biophysical explanations.

Other Valuable Information

The study emphasizes the potential application value of nerve excitability measurements in ALS research, especially in evaluating drug treatment effects and personalized therapy. Additionally, the paper proposes a set of practical composite excitability measurement methods, promoting widespread application of this technology by other researchers and clinicians. The researchers express anticipation for the prospect of combining nerve excitability measurements with existing prognostic models, although further validation work is needed.

Through innovative analytical methods and the proposal of composite measures, this paper provides a new perspective for nerve excitability research in ALS, not only revealing its relationship with disease course and progression rate but also providing important tools and methods for future clinical trials and personalized treatment.