High-speed High-power Free-space Optical Communication via Directly Modulated Watt-class Photonic-crystal Surface-emitting Lasers

High-speed High-power Free-space Optical Communication via Directly Modulated Watt-class Photonic-crystal Surface-emitting Lasers

High-Speed High-Power Free-Space Optical Communication: Direct Modulation of Watt-Level Photonic Crystal Surface-Emitting Lasers Background Introduction As a vital light source for optical communication, semiconductor lasers are widely used due to their small size, low cost, long lifespan, and high efficiency. For example, vertical-cavity surface-e...

Hyperspectral In-Memory Computing with Optical Frequency Combs and Programmable Optical Memories

Hyperspectral In-Memory Computing and Applications of Optical Frequency Comb and Programmable Optical Memory Introduction In recent years, breakthroughs in machine learning have driven revolutionary developments in various industries, including healthcare, finance, retail, automotive, and manufacturing. These transformations have led to a surge in ...

Mode-locked Waveguide Polariton Laser

Research Report on the Realization of Blue-Ultraviolet Light Mode-Locking by Polariton Waveguides In the field of modern optoelectronics, continuous advancements in laser technology have greatly propelled the development of information technology, biomedicine, and industrial processing, among other sectors. Mode-locked laser technology, in particul...

Giant Electron-Mediated Phononic Nonlinearity in Semiconductor–Piezoelectric Heterostructures

Giant Electron-Mediated Phononic Nonlinearity in Semiconductor–Piezoelectric Heterostructures

Large Electron-Mediated Phonon Nonlinearity in Semiconductor-Piezoelectric Heterostructures In modern science and technology, the efficiency and determinacy of information processing are crucial determinants of its application potential. Nonlinear photonic interactions at optical frequencies have already demonstrated significant breakthroughs in bo...

Sweet-spot operation of a germanium hole spin qubit with highly anisotropic noise sensitivity

Sweet-spot operation of a germanium hole spin qubit with highly anisotropic noise sensitivity

Optimal Working Point of Heavy Hole Spin Qubit in Germanium and Its High Anisotropic Noise Sensitivity Background and Motivation The development of quantum computers holds great promise for solving complex problems. However, building a fault-tolerant quantum computer requires the integration of a large number of highly coherent qubits. Spin qubits,...

A Programmable Topological Photonic Chip

A Programmable Topological Photonic Chip

Research Progress on Programmable Topological Photonic Chips Research Background In recent years, topological insulators (TI) have garnered significant attention in the physics community due to their rich physical mechanisms and the potential applications of topological boundary modes, leading to rapid development in this field. Since the discovery...